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"Juan Enrique has managed to turn extremely complex situations into deliverables that can be handled by any member of our team. He brings a very compelling and traditional way of doing business that, like his Oxonian roots, embodies the principle of making relationships last for generations. We have managed to take comfort in a far from flawless environment, where his insight and sense of direction has helped guide our corporate ship through uncharted territory. In addition to his professional skills, I am pleased to say that his personal side far outweighs his professional doctrine. I am proud to say that our corporate relationship has generated a great friendship.

— Principal
Leading agro-industrial group in Latin America

"Juan Enrique and I met in 2018 as part of the same cohort at the University of Oxford while reading a master's degree in global business. During our many discussions, in and out of class, on portfolio-investing, capital preservation, jurisdiction, taxation, etc., it became clear to me that he was the expert among us all. I have been investing with his firm ever since and it is a peace of mind to have Juan Enrique interacting with banks and hedge funds on my behalf as he fully understands my investment objectives and risk profile and is always available to discuss trends, risks and opportunities in global markets. His firm offers a truly personalized service that I have never encountered when dealing directly with banks.""

— JC
Executive Vice-President of a global company based in Singapore
MBA - INSEAD PGDip - Said Business School - University of Oxford




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