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"O ver several decades, I have found Enrique to be an excellent analyst of complex tax problems and a source of new and unheard creative solutions. Enrique is the epitome of a good listener, learning the easy-to-miss nuances that lead him to the best solutions over and over again. And last but not least, Enrique's personality makes clients feel comfortable with him, and they are willing to reveal their private tax concerns without reservation.""

— Dr. Luis Ricardo Paredes Mansfield
Magister en Legibus (LLM) Harvard University

"D octor Enrique Manosalva is a prestigious Colombian tax specialist with extensive experience in national taxes and especially in income tax. He has stood out in the areas of litigation, for which he became Associate Judge of the Fourth Section of the Council of State, consulting and tax planning, and has advised the Colombian State on these matters. Additionally, he has performed very well in the academic area as a professor, speaker and national and international lecturer

— Dr. Mauricio A. Plazas Vega
Doctor en Derecho de la Universidad de Salamanca, España



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